The International Commission

The outward looking international dimension is one of the Grandes Ecoles’ strong features.

Whether through partnerships with an increasing number of foreign universities or thanks to greater mobility for students and teaching staff, university courses are becoming increasingly international in nature.

Favouring the international influence of the Grandes Ecoles in the Auvergne Rhone-Alps Region is one of the strategic objectives of the AGERA network.

AGERA’s International Commission, brings together the “International Relations” services for the schools in order to reinforce information and experience sharing and exchanges on the various policies implemented internationally in cooperation with that of the Regional Council.

The Commission organises two events a year:

  • The Meetings for International Students: The aim is to officially welcome foreign students who join the courses of the member institutes and facilitate their integration in the Auvergne Rhone-Alps Region.
    Every year this event brings together around 500 students who join the Grandes Ecoles of Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble or Chambéry.After the entertaining guided tours around the City of Lyon to discover the capital city of the region, students are invited for an official welcome evening at the Hôtel de Région followed by a cocktail with musical entertainment. During the evening, students from the previous year describe the advantages of mobility in the Auvergne Rhone-Alps Region that offers regional funding for students.
  • The AGERA International Prospective Meetings that is organised in March aims at analysing and debating over a question related to international expertise. On 10 March 2016, the RPIA focused on: “The curriculum in English, key elements of the internationalisation strategy for schools – challenges and opportunities”. The day was transcribed into acts that are available in the  media library

These RPIA are the result of 10 years of organising an event entitled: The Country Days where a country is analysed to favour partnerships and mobilities:

  • 2024 “Internationalisation et inclusion” conference
  • 2023 “Sustainable Internationalization” conference
  • 2022 “De nouvelles priorités dans les échanges internationaux des établissements d’enseignement supérieur” conference
  • 2021 “Internationalisation des formations de l’enseignement supérieur : tendances et évolutions post-covid 19” conference
  • 2019 “Internationalisation des établissements d’enseignement supérieur : leviers de développement” conference
  • 2018 “Les “Capacity Building” projets de coopération au service des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche” conference
  • 2017 “L’expertise internationale, un enjeu majeur pour l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche” conference
  • 2016 “Les cursus en anglais, éléments clés de la stratégie d’internationalisation des écoles, enjeux et opportunités” conference

These RPIA are the result of 10 years of organising an event entitled: The Country Days where a country is analysed to favour partnerships and mobilities:

  • 2015 “South Korea, the Country of all the Opportunities, one of the Best Trained Populations on the Planet” downloadable in the media library
  • 2014 “South Africa, Assets and Opportunities for our Institutes”: downloadable in the media library
  • 2013 “Turquie, pays de culture et d’histoire en pleine expansion économique”
  • 2012 “Japon, Fascination et méconnaissance”
  • 2011 “Argentine, entre tradition et innovation”
  • 2010 “Vietnam, Education et économie”
  • 2009 “Etats Unis, quels enjeux et partenariats pour les Grandes écoles de Rhône Alpes”
  • 2008 “Brésil, Terre d’avenirs”